Ten years ago family vacations meant quality time spent bonding with who? The family, of course! A trip to the beach with the kids included kite flying, swimming, and sand castle building. Camping meant setting up the tent in the wilderness (or the backyard) and singing songs and roasting marshmallows around the campfire. The most technology we had with us was a flashlight!
Fast forward to today and a family vacation has a better chance of looking something like this:
You all know I’m a big fan of technology (and Best Buy!). But it’s time families took back their vacations and put down their gadgets, even if it is just for the weekend! Cell phones, computers, iPods, iPads, Kindles, you name it. They’re invading our quality time with our families. I’m not suggesting that we go cold turkey and cut ourselves off from technology this summer altogether. I’d just rather our trips looked a little more like this instead:
Got any ideas on how to reduce your use of technology during your vacations this summer? I for one am going to reread some of the posts from the Focused Moms Challenge to get back on track before our family travels. What about you? Share your ideas on how to take back our family vacations this summer. Your idea might be just the one that helps someone focus MORE on their family during their vacation and LESS on their gadgets!
I love love love your blog. The layout is awesome.
Thanks so much! I have enjoyed yours too. Glad to have found each other on SITS31DBBB!
I am going to take back my vaca by making them leave the electronics at home!!! (That’s the only way I know how!)
True! But I still might “need” them for the car ride!