I have LOVED blogging these past few months and getting acquainted with the blogosphere! Someone asked me the other day how they could help me spread the word about ChildPsychMom.com. So of course I had to develop a list for just that! I just can’t help myself. I love a good list. If you enjoy my blog, share the love by following some (or all) of these tips to help it grow:
1. Share! At the bottom of every blog post, you’ll see buttons to share my post on your Facebook account, re-tweet it on Twitter, or send it to someone via email. If you like my post, please share it!
2. Comment! I love to read your comments on my blog. It helps me see what you’re interested in, what you want to see more of, what you like, and what you don’t like. Don’t be shy, feel free to comment away!
3. Subscribe to my blog. Just enter your email address on the right side of my blog page under email updates, and you’ll get my blog posts delivered right to your inbox.
4. Like me on Facebook! Just visit my Facebook page and click “Like.” I usually post on Facebook once a day, so don’t worry, I won’t fill up your wall with posts all day long. Once you’re there, jump right into the conversation and comment on my page. It’s great to see people interacting on Facebook and sharing their experiences and parenting tips.
5. Have a Twitter account? I do, too. You can connect with me by following @childpsychmom. If you’re a blogger, I’ll follow you back.
6. Do you know what RSS is? I didn’t, but I’ve quickly learned all I ever wanted to know about Really Simple Syndication! If you want to subscribe to RSS for ChildPsychMom.com, go for it!
7. And last but not least, tell your friends and family! If you know someone that you think would like (or benefit from) reading my blog, please share my website address with them. I would truly appreciate it.
So, what do you get in return for helping me help my blog grow? My commitment to continue to deliver quality posts on children, parenting, and every topic in between. Some funny, some nutty, but all full of tips and tricks to help you on your parenting journey. Thanks for reading!
Great post! I love the honesty of sharing with your readers how they can help your blog be successful! I may steal this idea and do it on my blog!
Go for it! I had lots of friends ask me how they could spread the word about my blog, and this post came out of that. Thanks for visiting!