A Gift for the Big Brother or Sister

Dear Polly,

I know a 4 year old who just became a big sister.  Any ideas for a gift for her?

When a baby is added to the family, it’s always important for friends and family to pay special attention to the big brother or sister.  With so much time and energy devoted to the new baby, it’s easy for the older siblings to get lost in the shuffle.  One way to help is when you’re bringing a gift for the baby, be sure to have a special treat for the older sibling too.

I love presents for older siblings that are educational and fun, but they have to be able to be used independently.  Mom and Dad may be busy with the baby and unable to oversee complicated new games or projects, but activities that kids can use on their own are always a hit (especially with the new parents)!

A great gift for big siblings ages 3 to 6 is what I like to call the Big Brother/Sister Box.  Purchase a shoebox sized plastic container with a lid.  On the lid write their name and decorate it with stickers.  Inside put things like crayons, washable markers, colored pencils, coloring books, paper, stickers, stamps, and other easy to use art supplies.  It’s not too expensive, and it is made up of gifts that are fun and educational that can keep the big brother or sister occupied on their own for a couple of hours.  That’s a gift that everyone will surely love!

If you’ve got a question that you’d like to see featured on Ask Polly, just visit my contact page and submit your idea or question.  I look forward to hearing from you!


    • Polly says

      I think it’s the best gift ever for big brothers and sisters. I like your idea of personalizing it for the child with things they’re interested in, like Legos or dinosaurs, and the family picture is an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing!

  1. says

    Thatsba good idea. My sister worries me on this subject as she wants another baby and knowing what she’s like, she’ll end up passing her first child to either our mum, me or her friends. I think she’ll find it difficult to cope with two, apart from the fact she doesn’t even live with her boyfriend who lives 200 miles away, yet they’ve been discussing it. Very silly in my opinion.

    I have an eleven year old daughter who’s autistic, on the high end of the spectrum but is way behind socially. We’re worrying on it, but I doubt she’ll go to the local high school as she simply won’t get the support she needs.

    CJ xx

  2. says

    I’ve just read that comment back and realized I made a few typos! I’m on an iPad and find it a struggle to type on the screen! I meant to say we’re working on Amy’s school, not worrying on it, lol

    • Polly says

      Crystal, I have an ipad too and it is constantly changing my words for me! LOL! Sounds like you’re doing a great job advocating for your daughter. Love your blog and reading about your experiences with her. Thanks for reading!

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